Chapter 5 Code
To comply the Chapter 5 Verilog codes within the book titled Fundamental Digital Circuits and FPGA
Last updated
To comply the Chapter 5 Verilog codes within the book titled Fundamental Digital Circuits and FPGA
Last updated
*- File name: LEDchaser.v
*- Top Module name: LEDchaser
*- Submodules: None
*- Description: Implementation of an LED chaser with 8 states
*- Example of Usage:
This code is designed to cycle through LEDs in a chaser pattern. It can be implemented on
any FPGA development board with an 8-bit LED array. To observe the LED chaser effect:
- Connect the LEDs output to the 8 on-board LEDs.
- Provide the system clock to the clk input.
- Reliability:
This code is intended for educational and demonstration purposes and has not been
validated for use in production systems. Users are advised to thoroughly test the
module in their specific application context.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module LEDchaser (
input clk,
output reg [7:0] LEDs
/**************** Defining the 8 states with binary numbers *******************/
parameter S0 = 3'b000,
S1 = 3'b001,
S2 = 3'b010,
S3 = 3'b011,
S4 = 3'b100,
S5 = 3'b101,
S6 = 3'b110,
S7 = 3'b111;
/**************** Describing the LED actions in each state *******************/
reg [2:0] state;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
case (state)
S0: LEDs = 8'b11111110;
S1: LEDs = 8'b11111101;
S2: LEDs = 8'b11111011;
S3: LEDs = 8'b11110111;
S4: LEDs = 8'b11101111;
S5: LEDs = 8'b11011111;
S6: LEDs = 8'b10111111;
S7: LEDs = 8'b01111111;
default: LEDs = 8'b11111111; // Default case to turn off all LEDs if state is unknown
/**************** Enable jumping among different states **********************/
reg [23:0] cnt;
parameter CNT_NUM = 600000;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cnt == CNT_NUM-1)
cnt <= 20'b0;
cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cnt == CNT_NUM-1)
state <= state + 1'b1;
if (state > S7) // Reset state to S0 after reaching S7
state <= S0;
This is a simple version of traffic light system that can be fully implemented by the STEPFPGA board alone. A more sophisticated and delicate traffic light system can be found in this Project for Smart Traffic Light.
*- File name: simple_traffic.v
*- Top Module name: simple_traffic
- Submodules: divider_integer
*- Description: Using a state machine to control two RGB LEDs to simulate a traffic light
*- Example of Usage:
- You may assign the output directly to the 2 RGB LEDs on the STEPFPGA board
- Reliability:
This code is intended for educational and demonstration purposes and has not been
validated for use in production systems. Users are advised to thoroughly test the
module in their specific application context.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module simple_traffic (
input clk, rst_n,
output reg [5:0] RGB_out // connects the TWO RGB lights
// The four states
reg [1:0] state;
parameter S1 = 2'b00,
S2 = 2'b01,
S3 = 2'b10,
S4 = 2'b11;
// RGB light, inverted logic; 111 means all OFF; 011 means R is ON, G and B are OFF
parameter led_s1 = 6'b101011, // '101' for Green, '011' for RED
led_s2 = 6'b001011, // '001' for Yellow, '011' for RED (yellow is not obvious)
led_s3 = 6'b011101, // '011' for Red, '101' for Green
led_s4 = 6'b011001; // '011' for Red, '001' for Yellow
// RGB light behaviors in each state
always @ (*) begin
case (state)
S1: RGB_out = led_s1;
S2: RGB_out = led_s2;
S3: RGB_out = led_s3;
S4: RGB_out = led_s4;
default: RGB_out = led_s1;
/************************************** Integer Clock Divider **********************************
>> Instantiate the clock divider module, and divide the 12MHz clock frequency by
12000000 time thus generated a 1Hz clock signal
wire clk1hz;
divider_integer # (.WIDTH (24),.N (12_000_000)) u1 (
.clk (clk),
.clkout (clk1hz)
/*********************************** Traffic Control State Machine ****************************/
// Implementing the state machine; use the 1Hz clock signal
reg [4:0] time_cnt; // Reserve 5 bit register space for timer counter
always @ (posedge clk1hz or negedge rst_n) begin
if(!rst_n) begin
state <= S1;
time_cnt <= 0;
else begin
case (state)
S1: if (time_cnt < 4'd15) begin // 15s
state <= S1;
time_cnt <= time_cnt + 1;
else begin
state <= S2;
time_cnt <= 0;
S2: if (time_cnt < 4'd3) begin // 3s
state <= S2;
time_cnt <= time_cnt + 1;
else begin
state <= S3;
time_cnt <= 0;
S3: if (time_cnt < 4'd7) begin // 7s
state <= S3;
time_cnt <= time_cnt + 1;
else begin
state <= S4;
time_cnt <= 0;
S4: if (time_cnt < 4'd3) begin // 3s
state <= S4;
time_cnt <= time_cnt + 1;
else begin
state <= S1;
time_cnt <= 0;
default: begin
state <= S1;
time_cnt <= 0;
/************************************** Integer Clock Divider **********************************
>> Frequency divider code; seen in Section 3.7 of the book
module divider_integer # (
parameter WIDTH = 24,
parameter N = 12000000
input clk,
output reg clkout
reg [WIDTH-1:0] cnt;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= 1'b0;
cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;
clkout <= (cnt<N/2)?1'b1:1'b0;
- File name: debounce.v
- Top Module name: debounce
- Submodules: dff, divider_integer
- Description: This module debounces a mechanical switch input to produce a stable digital output.
It uses a clock divider to slow down the main clock and then a double flip-flop
setup to filter out any bouncing effects caused by the mechanical switch.
- Example of Usage:
To use this debounce module, connect the 'key' input to a mechanical switch and the
'key_deb' output to a digital circuit input that requires a debounced signal. The
module uses a slow clock generated by the 'divider_integer' submodule to sample the
switch state at a lower rate to mitigate bouncing effects.
- Reliability:
This code is intended for educational and demonstration purposes and has not been
validated for use in production systems. Users are advised to thoroughly test the
module in their specific application context.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module debounce (
input clk, key,
output key_deb
wire slow_clk;
wire Q1,Q2,Q2_bar;
divider_integer #(.WIDTH(17),.N(240000)) U1 (
dff U2 (
dff U3 (
assign Q2_bar = ~Q2;
assign key_deb = Q1 & Q2_bar;
/********** Submodule 1 **********/
module dff(input clk, D, output reg Q);
always @ (posedge clk) begin
Q <= D;
/********** Submodule 2 **********/
module divider_integer # (
parameter N = 12000000, // the divisor
parameter WIDTH = 24 // the minimum bit-width to hold this divisor
input clk,
output reg clkout
reg [WIDTH-1:0] cnt;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
cnt <= 1'b0;
cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;
clkout <= (cnt<N/2)?1'b1:1'b0;
*- File name: SR04_display.v
*- Top Module name: SR04_display
*- Submodules: hc_sr04, bin_to_bcd, segment7
*- Description: Main display module that interfaces with the HC-SR04 sensor module,
converts the binary distance to BCD, and drives two 7-segment displays.
*- Example of Usage:
- The `SR04_display` module can be instantiated within a top-level design file.
Connect the `clk`, `rst_n`, and `echo` inputs to the respective signals.
Connect the `trig`, `segment_led_1`, and `segment_led_2` to the HC-SR04 sensor
and 7-segment display inputs respectively.
*- Reliability:
This code is provided 'as is', primarily for educational purposes and is not guaranteed
for any industrial or commercial applications. Users must validate the functionality
before use in any critical systems.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module SR04_display(
input clk, rst_n ,
input echo, // reads the ECHO signal from HC_SR04
output trig, // send trigger pulse to HC_SR04 module
output [8:0] segment_led_1, // 7-Segment display 1
output [8:0] segment_led_2 // 7-Segment display 2
hc_sr04 ultrsonic (clk, rst_n, echo, trig, distance);
wire [15:0] distance; // 16-bit binary output from SR-04 sensor
bin_to_bcd bin_to_bcd_U(rst_n, distance, bcd_distance);
wire [19:0] bcd_distance; // 19-bit BCD output from BCD module
wire [3:0] bcd_digit1;
wire [3:0] bcd_digit2;
assign bcd_digit1 = bcd_distance[7:4]; // convert smaller 4 bits BCD to binary
assign bcd_digit2 = bcd_distance[3:0]; // convert higher 4 bits BCD to binary
segment7 seg_x1( // display the first digit on Segment1
.segment_led (segment_led_1)
segment7 seg_x10( // display the second digital on Segment2
.segment_led (segment_led_2)
* Module Name: hc_sr04
* Description:
* This module interfaces with the HC_SR04 ultrasonic sensor to measure distance. The primary
* operations are:
* 1. Generating a 10us pulse for triggering the HC_SR04 sensor.
* 2. Detecting the rising and falling edges of the Echo signal from the sensor.
* 3. Generating a 17kHz pulse, where each pulse corresponds to 1cm of the real distance
* measured by the HC_SR04 sensor.
* 4. Counting the number of 17kHz pulses between the rising and falling edges of the Echo signal
* to determine the distance measurement in centimeters.
- Reliability:
This code is provided 'as is', primarily for educational purposes and is not guaranteed
for any industrial or commercial applications. Users must validate the functionality
before use in any critical systems.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
module hc_sr04 (
input clk, rst_n, // STPFFPGA has on board frequency of 12MHz
input echo, // Module input, connects to HC_SR04 -> echo
output trig, // Module output, connects to HC_SR04 -> trig
output reg [15:0] distance
/**************************************** Generate a 10us pulse ************************************
>> This piece of code generates a 10us pulse to enable trigger of the HC_SR04 sensor
reg [25:0] cnt_10us; // Counter for generating 10us pulse
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin
if(!rst_n) begin
cnt_10us <= 0;
else if(cnt_10us == 11_999_999)
cnt_10us <= 0;
cnt_10us <= cnt_10us + 1'b1;
assign trig = (cnt_10us < 120) ? 1:0;
/********************************* Edge detection of Echo signal *****************************
>> This piece of code detects the rising edge and falling edge of Echo signal
>> when 'pose_echo' is 1, rising edge; when 'nege_echo' is 1, falling edge
reg echo_2;
reg echo_1;
wire pose_echo;
wire nege_echo;
always @(posedge clk17k or negedge rst_n)begin
echo_1 <= 0;
echo_2 <= 0;
else begin
echo_1 <= echo;
echo_2 <= echo_1;
assign pose_echo = echo_1 && (~echo_2);
assign nege_echo = (~echo_1) && echo_2;
/*********************************** Generate a 17kHz pulse **********************************
>> This piece of code generates a 17kHz pulse signal
>> By calculation (see Chapter 5 of the book), each pulse corresponds to 1cm
of the real distance measured by the HC_SR04 ultrasonic sensor.
reg clk17k;
reg [15:0] cnt17k; // Counter for a 17KHz signal (explained in the book)
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin
cnt17k <= 0;
else if(cnt17k == 706) // divide 12MHz by 706 times will get 17kHz
cnt17k <= 0;
cnt17k <= cnt17k + 1;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin
clk17k <= 0;
else if(cnt17k < 706>>1)
clk17k <= 0;
clk17k <= 1;
/************************* Convert counter result to the actual distance ************************
>> Since we have generated a 17kHz pulse, as soon as we detected the rising edge
of the Echo, then the system starts counting how many pulses for clk17k, until a
falling edge is received to stop counting.
>> Each pulse of 'clk17k' represents 1cm in the physical measurement
parameter S0 = 2'b00; // state S0 is when rising edge of echo is detected begin of distance measurement
parameter S1 = 2'b01; // state S1 is when echo stays HIGH, and we will calculate distance in this state
parameter S2 = 2'b10; // state S2 is when falling edge of echo is detected, end of distance measurement
reg [1:0] state;
reg [15:0] cnt_dist; // Counter for final measured distance with smallest unit of 'cm'
always@(posedge clk17k or negedge rst_n)begin
cnt_dist<= 0;
distance <= 0;
state <= S0;
S0:begin // detected the rising edge of the echo signal
cnt_dist <= 0; // start to count for distance
if (pose_echo)
state <= S1;
state <= S0;
S1:begin // the echo signal level stays HIGH
cnt_dist <= cnt_dist + 1; // counts for distance, each 'cnt_dist' increments 1cm
if (nege_echo)
state <= S2;
state <= S1;
distance <= cnt_dist; // detected the falling edge of the echo signal
cnt_dist <= 0; // save the 'cnt_dist' result for the actual distance
state <= S0;
default:begin // default
cnt_dist <= 0;
state <= S0;
*- File name: bin_to_bcd.v
*- Top Module name: bin_to_bcd
*- Submodules: N/A
*- Description: Conversion of 16-bit binary data to 20-bit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) representation
using the double dabble algorithm.
*- Example of Usage:
You can implement this code on all variants of STEPFPGA family boards.
If you intend to implement this module on a board and observe its operation:
- Connect a 16-bit binary input to bin_code.
- Observe the 20-bit BCD output on bcd_code.
- Utilize the rst_n signal to reset the conversion process when needed.
*- Additional comments:
This BCD converter is designed to handle up to a 16-bit binary number and convert it into a
20-bit BCD representation. It is especially useful when interfacing with displays that
require decimal number representation, such as 7-segment displays.
- Reliability:
This code is provided 'as is', primarily for educational purposes and is not guaranteed
for any industrial or commercial applications. Users must validate the functionality
before use in any critical systems.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module bin_to_bcd (
input rst_n, // Reset signal (active low)
input [15:0] bin_code,
output reg [19:0] bcd_code
// Internal shift register for the algorithm
reg [35:0] shift_reg;
always @(posedge bin_code or negedge rst_n) begin
if (!rst_n) begin
shift_reg <= 36'b0; // Reset the shift register on active low reset signal
end else begin
shift_reg <= {16'b0, bin_code}; // Initialize shift register with binary code at the rightmost position
// Using repeat statement for the conversion process
repeat (16) begin
if (shift_reg[3:0] > 4) shift_reg[3:0] <= shift_reg[3:0] + 3;
if (shift_reg[7:4] > 4) shift_reg[7:4] <= shift_reg[7:4] + 3;
if (shift_reg[11:8] > 4) shift_reg[11:8] <= shift_reg[11:8] + 3;
if (shift_reg[15:12] > 4) shift_reg[15:12] <= shift_reg[15:12] + 3;
if (shift_reg[19:16] > 4) shift_reg[19:16] <= shift_reg[19:16] + 3;
shift_reg <= shift_reg << 1;
bcd_code <= shift_reg[19:0]; // Assign the 20-bit BCD result
*- File name: segment7.v
*- Top Module name: segment7
- Submodules: N/A
*- Description: Implementation of a 7-segment display driver (common cathod)
*- Example of Usage:
You can implement this code on all variants of STEPFPGA family boards.
If you want to implement this code on board and observe the logic behaviors:
- assign seg_data[3]...seg_data[0] to the 4 on-board swiches
- assign segment_led[8] to SEG, segment_led[7] to DP
- assign segment_led[6]...segment_led[0] to 'g, f, ... a' accordingly
* - Additional comments:
If you want to display decimal numbers only, the 4-bit input data must be in BCD converted
form; will explain in Chapter 5 when implement the Elevator project.
- Reliability:
This code is provided 'as is', primarily for educational purposes and is not guaranteed
for any industrial or commercial applications. Users must validate the functionality
before use in any critical systems.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module segment7 (
input wire [3:0] seg_data, // The 4 bit input data in binary form
output reg [8:0] segment_led // 9 output for the 7-segment LEDs from MSB to LSB: SEG, DP, g, f, e, d, c, b, a
) ;
always @ (seg_data) begin
case (seg_data)
4'b0000: segment_led = 9'h3f; // 0
4'b0001: segment_led = 9'h06; // 1
4'b0010: segment_led = 9'h5b; // 2
4'b0011: segment_led = 9'h4f; // 3
4'b0100: segment_led = 9'h66; // 4
4'b0101: segment_led = 9'h6d; // 5
4'b0110: segment_led = 9'h7d; // 6
4'b0111: segment_led = 9'h07; // 7
4'b1000: segment_led = 9'h7f; // 8
4'b1001: segment_led = 9'h6f; // 9
4'b1010: segment_led = 9'h77; // A
4'b1011: segment_led = 9'h7C; // b
4'b1100: segment_led = 9'h39; // C
4'b1101: segment_led = 9'h5e; // d
4'b1110: segment_led = 9'h79; // E
4'b1111: segment_led = 9'h71; // F
- File name: keypad_3by4.v
- Top Module name: keypad_3by4
- Description: Implements a 3x4 matrix keypad scanner with debouncing and 7-segment display decoding.
The module scans the keypad, debounces the keypresses, identifies the pressed key,
and translates it to a corresponding 7-segment display code.
- Example of Usage:
This module can be instantiated in a system that requires keypad interfacing with
visual feedback via a 7-segment display. Connect the rows and columns to the
respective keypad terminals and the segment_led1 output to a 7-segment display driver.
- Reliability:
This code is intended for educational and prototype purposes. For commercial
applications, thorough testing and validation are required.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module keypad_3by4 (
input clk,
input rst_n,
input [2:0] col, // the 3 output signals for 3 Columns
output reg [3:0] row, // the 4 input signals for 4 Rows
output reg [3:0] keyPressed,
output reg [8:0] segment_led1
localparam NUM_FOR_200HZ = 60000; // Used to generate a 200Hz frequency for column scanning
localparam ROW0_SCAN = 2'b00; // the state when scanning first row
localparam ROW1_SCAN = 2'b01; // the state when scanning second row
localparam ROW2_SCAN = 2'b10; // the state when scanning third row
localparam ROW3_SCAN = 2'b11; // the state when scanning forth row
reg [11:0] key,key_r;
reg [11:0] key_out; // debounce all keys
reg [15:0] cnt;
reg clk_200hz;
// generate a 200Hz clock
always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if(!rst_n) begin
cnt <= 16'd0;
clk_200hz <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if(cnt >= ((NUM_FOR_200HZ>>1) - 1)) begin // >>1 means divide by 2
cnt <= 16'd0;
clk_200hz <= ~clk_200hz;
end else begin
cnt <= cnt + 1'b1;
clk_200hz <= clk_200hz;
reg [1:0] c_state;
always@(posedge clk_200hz or negedge rst_n) begin
if(!rst_n) begin
c_state <= ROW0_SCAN;
row <= 4'b1110;
end else begin
ROW0_SCAN: begin c_state <= ROW1_SCAN; row <= 4'b1101; end
ROW1_SCAN: begin c_state <= ROW2_SCAN; row <= 4'b1011; end
ROW2_SCAN: begin c_state <= ROW3_SCAN; row <= 4'b0111; end
ROW3_SCAN: begin c_state <= ROW0_SCAN; row <= 4'b1110; end
default:begin c_state <= ROW0_SCAN; row <= 4'b1110; end
always@(negedge clk_200hz or negedge rst_n) begin
if(!rst_n) begin
key_out <= 12'hfff;
end else begin
ROW0_SCAN: begin // check for colum 0, 1, 2
key[2:0] <= col;
key_r[2:0] <= key[2:0];
key_out[2:0] <= key_r[2:0]|key[2:0]; // double comfirm the pressed key
ROW1_SCAN:begin // check for colum 3, 4, 5
key[5:3] <= col;
key_r[5:3] <= key[5:3];