Chapter 6 Code
To comply the Chapter 6 Verilog codes within the book titled Fundamental Digital Circuits and FPGA
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To comply the Chapter 6 Verilog codes within the book titled Fundamental Digital Circuits and FPGA
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*- File name: simple_piano.v
*- Top Module name: simple_piano
- Submodules: N/A
*- Description: Implements a simple piano synthesizer that generates square wave tones for
different piano key frequencies using a 12MHz system clock.
*- Example of Usage:
Assign each key input to a button or switch on your FPGA development board. Connect the tone
output to a sound module or speaker circuit to hear the corresponding tones. This setup is
ideal for understanding the basics of digital sound synthesis and piano tone generation.
- Reliability:
This module is provided for educational purposes and is not tested for
production use. Users should validate the functionality in their own
applications and environments.
- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
- License: Distributed under the MIT License.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module simple_piano (
input clk,
input keyC4, keyC4h, keyD4, keyD4h, keyE4, keyF4,
keyF4h, keyG4, keyG4h, keyA4, keyA4h, keyB4,
keyC5, keyC5h, keyD5, keyD5h, keyE5, keyF5,
output reg tone
wire [17:0] key_inputs;
assign key_inputs = {keyC4, keyC4h, keyD4, keyD4h, keyE4, keyF4,
keyF4h, keyG4, keyG4h, keyA4, keyA4h, keyB4,
keyC5, keyC5h, keyD5, keyD5h, keyE5, keyF5};
reg [21:0] cnt = 0;
reg [21:0] freq_threshold;
always @(key_inputs) begin
18'b10_0000_0000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 22937; // keyC4
18'b01_0000_0000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 21647; // keyC4h
18'b00_1000_0000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 20432; // keyD4
18'b00_0100_0000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 19285; // keyD4h
18'b00_0010_0000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 18202; // keyE4
18'b00_0001_0000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 17181; // keyF4
18'b00_0000_1000_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 16224; // keyF4h
18'b00_0000_0100_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 15326; // keyG4
18'b00_0000_0010_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 14451; // keyG4h
18'b00_0000_0001_0000_0000: freq_threshold = 13631; // keyA4
18'b00_0000_0000_1000_0000: freq_threshold = 12876; // keyA4h
18'b00_0000_0000_0100_0000: freq_threshold = 12155; // keyB4
18'b00_0000_0000_0010_0000: freq_threshold = 11488; // keyC5
18'b00_0000_0000_0001_0000: freq_threshold = 10831; // keyC5h
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_1000: freq_threshold = 10224; // keyD5
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_0100: freq_threshold = 9663; // keyD5h
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_0010: freq_threshold = 9101; // keyE5
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_0001: freq_threshold = 8601; // keyF5
default: freq_threshold = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if (cnt >= freq_threshold) begin
cnt <= 0;
tone <= ~tone;
*- File name: DDS_Piano.v
*- Top Module name: DDS_Piano
*- Submodules: sin_anyfreq, SINE_LUT64_Complete
*- Description: Generates piano tones using Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) method.
*- Example of Usage: Connect to a speaker through a DAC to generate piano sound frequencies.
*- Can be used in musical instruments, educational purposes, or sound generation.
*- Reliability: Designed for simulation and educational purposes, not production-tested.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module DDS_Piano (
input clk,
input keyC4,keyC4h,keyD4,keyD4h,keyE4,keyF4,
keyC5h, keyD5, keyD5h, keyE5, keyF5,
output reg [9:0] tone
wire [9:0] toneC4;
sin_anyfreq #(93664) C4 (clk, toneC4);
wire [9:0] toneC4half;
sin_anyfreq #(99230) C4half (clk, toneC4half);
wire [9:0] toneD4;
sin_anyfreq #(105130) D4 (clk, toneD4);
wire [9:0] toneD4half;
sin_anyfreq #(111385) D4half (clk, toneD4half);
wire [9:0] toneE4;
sin_anyfreq #(118008) E4 (clk, toneE4);
wire [9:0] toneF4;
sin_anyfreq #(125024) F4 (clk, toneF4);
wire [9:0] toneF4half;
sin_anyfreq #(132456) F4half (clk, toneF4half);
wire [9:0] toneG4;
sin_anyfreq #(140336) G4 (clk, toneG4);
wire [9:0] toneG4half;
sin_anyfreq #(148677) G4half (clk, toneG4half);
wire [9:0] toneA4;
sin_anyfreq #(157520) A4 (clk, toneA4);
wire [9:0] toneA4half;
sin_anyfreq #(166885) A4half (clk, toneA4half);
wire [9:0] toneB4;
sin_anyfreq #(176809) B4 (clk, toneB4);
wire [9:0] toneC5;
sin_anyfreq #(187324) C5 (clk, toneC5);
wire [9:0] toneC5half;
sin_anyfreq #(198464) C5half (clk, toneC5half);
wire [9:0] toneD5;
sin_anyfreq #(210264) D5 (clk, toneD5);
wire [9:0] toneD5half;
sin_anyfreq #(222766) D5half (clk, toneD5half);
wire [9:0] toneE5;
sin_anyfreq #(236012) E5 (clk, toneE5);
wire [9:0] toneF5;
sin_anyfreq #(250049) F5 (clk, toneF5);
wire [17:0] keyset;
assign keyset = {keyC4, keyC4h, keyD4, keyD4h, keyE4, keyF4,
keyF4h, keyG4, keyG4h, keyA4, keyA4h, keyB4,
keyC5, keyC5h, keyD5, keyD5h, keyE5, keyF5};
always @ (posedge clk) begin
case (keyset)
18'b10_0000_0000_0000_0000: tone = toneC4;
18'b01_0000_0000_0000_0000: tone = toneC4half;
18'b00_1000_0000_0000_0000: tone = toneD4;
18'b00_0100_0000_0000_0000: tone = toneD4half;
18'b00_0010_0000_0000_0000: tone = toneE4;
18'b00_0001_0000_0000_0000: tone = toneF4;
18'b00_0000_1000_0000_0000: tone = toneF4half;
18'b00_0000_0100_0000_0000: tone = toneG4;
18'b00_0000_0010_0000_0000: tone = toneG4half;
18'b00_0000_0001_0000_0000: tone = toneA4;
18'b00_0000_0000_1000_0000: tone = toneA4half;
18'b00_0000_0000_0100_0000: tone = toneB4;
18'b00_0000_0000_0010_0000: tone = toneC5;
18'b00_0000_0000_0001_0000: tone = toneC5half;
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_1000: tone = toneD5;
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_0100: tone = toneD5half;
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_0010: tone = toneE5;
18'b00_0000_0000_0000_0001: tone = toneF5;
default: tone = 10'b0000000000;
*- File name: sin_anyfreq.v
*- Top Module name: sin_anyfreq
*- Submodules: SINE_LUT64_Complete
*- Description: Generates a sine wave frequency determined by the parameter M.
*- Example of Usage: Use this module to generate sine wave outputs for various applications
*- like signal processing, sound generation, etc.
*- Reliability: This module is provided as is for educational use and has not been
*- tested in a production environment.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module sin_anyfreq # (
parameter M = 93664 // Tune this value for different frequencies of the SIN wave
// For M = 93664, you will get f_out = 261.63Hz
input clk,
output [9:0] sin_digital
reg [31:0] phase_acc; // Here we used N = 32 thus the phase accumulator has 2^N states!
always @(posedge clk) begin
phase_acc <= phase_acc + M;
SINE_LUT64_Complete u1 (
.phase(phase_acc[31:24]), // Taking the first 8 bits from the phase accumulator
.sin_out(sin_digital) // - is sufficient for a decently smooth sin wave
*- File name: SINE_LUT64_Complete.v
*- Top Module name: SINE_LUT64_Complete
*- Submodules: SINE_LUT64
*- Description: Extends the SINE_LUT64 to cover a full period of sine wave.
*- Example of Usage: Mainly used to provide complete sine wave output based on an input phase,
*- useful in various waveform generation contexts.
*- Reliability: Primarily for demonstration and educational use, not for critical systems.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module SINE_LUT64_Complete (
input [7:0] phase,
output [9:0] sin_out
wire [9:0] sin_out;
reg [5:0] address;
wire [1:0] sel;
wire [8:0] sine_table_out;
reg [9:0] sine_complete;
assign sin_out = sine_complete[9:0];
assign sel = phase[7:6];
SINE_LUT64 u1 (address, sine_table_out);
always @(sel or sine_table_out) begin
2'b00: begin
sine_complete = 9'h1ff + sine_table_out[8:0];
address = phase[5:0];
2'b01: begin
sine_complete = 9'h1ff + sine_table_out[8:0];
address = ~phase[5:0];
2'b10: begin
sine_complete = 9'h1ff - sine_table_out[8:0];
address = phase[5:0];
2'b11: begin
sine_complete = 9'h1ff - sine_table_out[8:0];
address = ~ phase[5:0];
*- File name: SINE_LUT64.v
*- Top Module name: SINE_LUT64
*- Submodules: N/A
*- Description: Implements a Look-Up Table (LUT) for sine wave values over a quarter period.
*- Example of Usage: Utilized within sine wave generation modules to provide quick access
*- to sine values without computational overhead.
*- Reliability: Intended for educational purposes, additional verification might be required
*- for commercial applications.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module SINE_LUT64 (
input [5:0] address, // 6-bit address for a quarter of states
output [8:0] sin // 9-bit resolution for half magnitude
reg [8:0] sin;
always @(address) begin
6'h0: sin=9'h0;
6'h1: sin=9'hC;
6'h2: sin=9'h19;
6'h3: sin=9'h25;
6'h4: sin=9'h32;
6'h5: sin=9'h3E;
6'h6: sin=9'h4B;
6'h7: sin=9'h57;
6'h8: sin=9'h63;
6'h9: sin=9'h70;
6'ha: sin=9'h7C;
6'hb: sin=9'h88;
6'hc: sin=9'h94;
6'hd: sin=9'hA0;
6'he: sin=9'hAC;
6'hf: sin=9'hB8;
6'h10: sin=9'hC3;
6'h11: sin=9'hCF;
6'h12: sin=9'hDA;
6'h13: sin=9'hE6;
6'h14: sin=9'hF1;
6'h15: sin=9'hFC;
6'h16: sin=9'h107;
6'h17: sin=9'h111;
6'h18: sin=9'h11C;
6'h19: sin=9'h126;
6'h1a: sin=9'h130;
6'h1b: sin=9'h13A;
6'h1c: sin=9'h144;
6'h1d: sin=9'h14E;
6'h1e: sin=9'h157;
6'h1f: sin=9'h161;
6'h20: sin=9'h16A;
6'h21: sin=9'h172;
6'h22: sin=9'h17B;
6'h23: sin=9'h183;
6'h24: sin=9'h18B;
6'h25: sin=9'h193;
6'h26: sin=9'h19B;
6'h27: sin=9'h1A2;
6'h28: sin=9'h1A9;
6'h29: sin=9'h1B0;
6'h2a: sin=9'h1B7;
6'h2b: sin=9'h1BD;
6'h2c: sin=9'h1C3;
6'h2d: sin=9'h1C9;
6'h2e: sin=9'h1CE;
6'h2f: sin=9'h1D4;
6'h30: sin=9'h1D9;
6'h31: sin=9'h1DD;
6'h32: sin=9'h1E2;
6'h33: sin=9'h1E6;
6'h34: sin=9'h1E9;
6'h35: sin=9'h1ED;
6'h36: sin=9'h1F0;
6'h37: sin=9'h1F3;
6'h38: sin=9'h1F6;
6'h39: sin=9'h1F8;
6'h3a: sin=9'h1FA;
6'h3b: sin=9'h1FC;
6'h3c: sin=9'h1FD;
6'h3d: sin=9'h1FE;
6'h3e: sin=9'h1FF;
6'h3f: sin=9'h1FF;
*- File name: piano18key.v
*- Top Module name: piano18key
- Submodules: HarmonicGen_EN, sin_anyfreq, ampAdjust, lookup_tables, SINE_LUT, ampAdjust, DeltaSigma
*- Description: Generate 1-bit PDM signal containing the fundamental frequency and 2nd harmonics
*- Example of Usage:
This code generates 1-bit PDM signal 00for 18 input keys (piano module), where all keys are set to pull-up
network with 1kohm. You can assign the output to any GPIO and then place a low pass filter to obtain an
analog output wave. The 'sum18' sums all 11-bit data (2nd harmoncis added), which in theorey should have
16 bit. But using 16 bit will signicantly attentuate the magnitude, so we use 12 bit data in this code, and keep
in mind that some frequencies may get clipped when you press multiple keys simulaneously
- Addional note: you can use a larger gain audio amplifier to boost up the volume
*- Reliability: Suitable for simulations and educational purposes. For production use, please
*- validate against your own design specifications and requirements.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module piano18key (
input clk,
input [17:0] key,
output PDMHarmout // connects to a low pass RC filter (1k, 10nF)
wire [10:0] toneC4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(93664) C4 (clk, !key[0], toneC4);
wire [10:0] toneC4half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(99230) C4half (clk, !key[1], toneC4half);
wire [10:0] toneD4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(105130) D4 (clk, !key[2], toneD4);
wire [10:0] toneD4half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(111385) D4half (clk, !key[3], toneD4half);
wire [10:0] toneE4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(118008) E4 (clk, !key[4], toneE4);
wire [10:0] toneF4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(125024) F4 (clk, !key[5], toneF4);
wire [10:0] toneF4half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(132456) F4half (clk, !key[6], toneF4half);
wire [10:0] toneG4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(140336) G4 (clk, !key[7], toneG4);
wire [10:0] toneG4half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(148677) G4half (clk, !key[8], toneG4half);
wire [10:0] toneA4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(157520) A4 (clk, !key[9], toneA4);
wire [10:0] toneA4half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(166885) A4half (clk, !key[10], toneA4half);
wire [10:0] toneB4;
HarmonicGen_EN #(176809) B4 (clk, !key[11], toneB4);
wire [10:0] toneC5;
HarmonicGen_EN #(187324) C5 (clk, !key[12], toneC5);
wire [10:0] toneC5half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(198464) C5half (clk, !key[13], toneC5half);
wire [10:0] toneD5;
HarmonicGen_EN #(210264) D5 (clk, !key[14], toneD5);
wire [10:0] toneD5half;
HarmonicGen_EN #(222766) D5half (clk, !key[15], toneD5half);
wire [10:0] toneE5;
HarmonicGen_EN #(236012) E5 (clk, !key[16], toneE5);
wire [10:0] toneF5;
HarmonicGen_EN #(250049) F5 (clk, !key[17], toneF5);
wire [11:0] sum18;
assign sum18 = toneC4 + toneC4half + toneD4 + toneD4half + toneE4 + toneF4 + toneF4half + toneG4 +
toneG4half + toneA4 + toneA4half + toneB4 + toneC5 + toneC5half + toneD5 + toneD5half + toneE5 + toneF5;
DeltaSigma PDMGen (clk, sum18, PDMHarmout);
module HarmonicGen_EN # (parameter M = 93664)
input clk, EN_n,
output wire [10:0] HarmOut
wire [9:0] signal1;
wire [9:0] dac_Data1;
sin_anyfreq # (.M(M)) SIN1 (clk, signal1);
ampAdjust #(.numerator(256)) ampSIN1 (clk, signal1, dac_Data1);
wire [9:0] signal2;
wire [9:0] dac_Data2;
sin_anyfreq # (.M(M*2)) SIN2 (clk, signal2);
ampAdjust #(.numerator(64)) ampSIN2 (clk, signal2, dac_Data2);
assign HarmOut = EN_n ?(dac_Data1 + dac_Data2):0;
module sin_anyfreq # (
parameter M = 93664 // Tune this value for different frequencies of the SIN wave
// For M = 93664, you will get f_out = 261.63Hz
input clk,
output [9:0] sin_digital
reg [31:0] accumulator; // Here we used N = 32 thus the phase accumulator has 2^N states!
always @(posedge clk) begin
accumulator <= accumulator + M;
lookup_tables u1 (accumulator[31:24],sin_digital);
module lookup_tables (
input [7:0] phase,
output [9:0] sin_out
wire [9:0] sin_out;
reg [5:0] address;
wire [1:0] sel;
wire [8:0] sine_table_out;
reg [9:0] sine_onecycle_amp;
assign sin_out = sine_onecycle_amp[9:0];
assign sel = phase[7:6];
SINE_LUT u1 (address, sine_table_out);
always @(sel or sine_table_out) begin
2'b00: begin
sine_onecycle_amp = 9'h1ff + sine_table_out[8:0];
address = phase[5:0];
2'b01: begin
sine_onecycle_amp = 9'h1ff + sine_table_out[8:0];
address = ~phase[5:0];
2'b10: begin
sine_onecycle_amp = 9'h1ff - sine_table_out[8:0];
address = phase[5:0];
2'b11: begin
sine_onecycle_amp = 9'h1ff - sine_table_out[8:0];
address = ~ phase[5:0];
module SINE_LUT (
input [5:0] address,
output [8:0] sin
reg [8:0] sin;
always @(address) begin
6'h0: sin=9'h0;
6'h1: sin=9'hC;
6'h2: sin=9'h19;
6'h3: sin=9'h25;
6'h4: sin=9'h32;
6'h5: sin=9'h3E;
6'h6: sin=9'h4B;
6'h7: sin=9'h57;
6'h8: sin=9'h63;
6'h9: sin=9'h70;
6'ha: sin=9'h7C;
6'hb: sin=9'h88;
6'hc: sin=9'h94;
6'hd: sin=9'hA0;
6'he: sin=9'hAC;
6'hf: sin=9'hB8;
6'h10: sin=9'hC3;
6'h11: sin=9'hCF;
6'h12: sin=9'hDA;
6'h13: sin=9'hE6;
6'h14: sin=9'hF1;
6'h15: sin=9'hFC;
6'h16: sin=9'h107;
6'h17: sin=9'h111;
6'h18: sin=9'h11C;
6'h19: sin=9'h126;
6'h1a: sin=9'h130;
6'h1b: sin=9'h13A;
6'h1c: sin=9'h144;
6'h1d: sin=9'h14E;
6'h1e: sin=9'h157;
6'h1f: sin=9'h161;
6'h20: sin=9'h16A;
6'h21: sin=9'h172;
6'h22: sin=9'h17B;
6'h23: sin=9'h183;
6'h24: sin=9'h18B;
6'h25: sin=9'h193;
6'h26: sin=9'h19B;
6'h27: sin=9'h1A2;
6'h28: sin=9'h1A9;
6'h29: sin=9'h1B0;
6'h2a: sin=9'h1B7;
6'h2b: sin=9'h1BD;
6'h2c: sin=9'h1C3;
6'h2d: sin=9'h1C9;
6'h2e: sin=9'h1CE;
6'h2f: sin=9'h1D4;
6'h30: sin=9'h1D9;
6'h31: sin=9'h1DD;
6'h32: sin=9'h1E2;
6'h33: sin=9'h1E6;
6'h34: sin=9'h1E9;
6'h35: sin=9'h1ED;
6'h36: sin=9'h1F0;
6'h37: sin=9'h1F3;
6'h38: sin=9'h1F6;
6'h39: sin=9'h1F8;
6'h3a: sin=9'h1FA;
6'h3b: sin=9'h1FC;
6'h3c: sin=9'h1FD;
6'h3d: sin=9'h1FE;
6'h3e: sin=9'h1FF;
6'h3f: sin=9'h1FF;
*- File name: ampAdjust.v
*- Top Module name: ampAdjust
*- Description: Module for amplitude adjustment of a digital signal. It scales the input signal
*- by a predefined numerator and formats it for DAC output.
*- Example of Usage: This module can be instantiated when there is a need to adjust the amplitude of
*- a signal before sending it to a digital-to-analog converter, especially in
*- digital audio or waveform generation applications.
*- Reliability: Suitable for simulations and educational purposes. For production use, please
*- validate against your own design specifications and requirements.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module ampAdjust #(parameter numerator = 256)
input clk,
input [9:0] digitalSignal,
output[9:0] dac_Data
reg [17:0] amp_data;
always @(posedge clk)
amp_data = digitalSignal * numerator;
assign dac_Data = amp_data[17:8];
*- File name: DeltaSigma.v
*- Top Module name: DeltaSigma
*- Description: Delta-Sigma modulation implementation for converting a digital signal to a
*- pulse density modulated (PDM) signal.
*- Example of Usage: Useful in applications requiring digital to PDM conversion, such as audio
*- processing and high-resolution digital to analog conversion.
*- Reliability: Intended for educational and prototyping purposes. For real-world applications,
*- additional features or considerations may be necessary.
*- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2023 by EIM Technology
*- License: MIT License
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
module DeltaSigma (
input clk,
input [11:0] data_in,
output PDM_out
// Sigma to delta conversion; reserve 1 extra bit than the input data
reg [12:0] accumulator;
always @(posedge clk) begin
accumulator <= accumulator[11:0] + data_in;
assign PDM_out = accumulator[12]; // The MSB of the accumulator represents the pulses of PDM signal