Watt's Law

Lesson Plan: Watt's Law

Grade Level: High school (10th-12th grade)

Subject: Applied Design, Skills, and Technology (ADST) Electronics. Also applicable for Science and Physics.

Duration: ~60 minutes

Required Equipment: Power Supply, Multimeter, Laptop with Wi-Fi access

Required Components: Breadboard, Light Bulbs (3W) x 2,

10 Ξ© / 3W Resistor


Introduction (10 mins)

  • Introduce the concept of power in electronics.

  • Discuss Watt’s Law and its mathematical representation: P= V x I.

  • Highlight the practical implications of power consumption in devices.

Simulation Activity (15 mins)

  • Navigate students through a chosen simulation software/platform.

  • Virtually set up a basic circuit, observing and noting the behavior of voltage and current.

  • Use the software's features to calculate power consumption using Watt's Law.

Hands-on Activity: Measuring Power (20 mins)

  • Demonstrate the setup of a basic circuit on a breadboard.

  • Guide students to measure voltage and current using the multimeter.

  • Calculate the power consumed by the circuit using Watt’s Law.

  • Discuss factors affecting power consumption and ways to optimize it.

Interactive Discussion (10 mins)

  • Present various real-world scenarios and electronic components.

  • Engage students in calculating power requirements using Watt’s Law.

  • Discuss the significance of power ratings in devices and components.

Conclusion and Recap (5 mins)

  • Review the fundamental principles of Watt's Law and its importance in electronics.

  • Encourage students to consider power consumption in their daily life and understand its broader environmental implications.


  • Formative assessment: During the lesson, gauge students' understanding through their engagement in discussions, accuracy in calculations, and proficiency in setting up and measuring circuits.

  • Summative assessment: At the end of the lesson, students will undergo a written test encompassing theoretical questions on Watt's Law, practical calculations, and scenarios where they need to predict power consumption. Their practical skills might also be tested by presenting them with a circuit and asking them to measure and calculate its power consumption accurately.

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